Cerec - The Worlds Most Advanced Ceramic Reconstruction Technique
What is Cerec?
Rob using the CEREC equipment.
CEREC (Ceramic Reconstruction) is a unique, revolutionary and highly sophisticated CAD/CAM system for the construction of individual, permanent ceramic crowns, inlays and veneers, usually applied in one, single appointment.
For the patient, this simply means: fewer injections, less drilling, no unpleasant impressions, no temporary crowns and a great deal of time saved!
How does CEREC work?
The examination and preparation of your tooth is exactly the same as it would be if your restoration was to be made by a dental laboratory. Rob will examine the tooth and determine the appropriate treatment; then, under local anaesthetic if necessary, prepare your tooth for the restoration, removing decayed and weakened tooth tissue.
The CEREC Imaging tool
Instead of taking an impression of your tooth or teeth to send away to a dental laboratory, however, an ‘optical impression’ or scan of the prepared tooth is taken.
The tooth is coated with a non-toxic, tasteless powder which reduces reflections and increases contrast; and a highly sophisticated "camera" is then used to take a three-dimensional digital picture of your tooth. This whole optical impression process takes only a few minutes.
A CEREC 3D image
The picture is uploaded from the camera to the computerised design unit where the shape of your restoration is designed by the software to fit exactly. The design is converted into precise instructions for the milling unit, where a small block of ceramic material of the appropriate colour and shade is then sculpted into the required shape in under 20 minutes.
Rob will check the restoration in your mouth to ensure proper fit and bite. before finally polishing, glazing and bonding to the prepared tooth. Your tooth is restored with no "temporary" or return trip necessary, all done in a single appointment.
Rob has completed all of the training and accreditation required for using the CEREC system at the Dental Training Institute in Chertsey. And is always keeping up to date with new techniques being developed.
The CEREC MC XL Milling Machine.
What are the advantages of CEREC?
When compared with having restorations made by a dental lab, the CEREC system has several advantages:
- You only need to take time or find time to make one visit to your dentist, as compared with two or three visits with conventional preparation and making of the restoration
- As the entire procedure takes about an hour per tooth, you will only need one set of local anaesthetic injections
- As there is no lengthy wait between visits or temporary crowns (which can often fall off!)
- The CEREC CAD/CAM is much more accurate than the traditional method of making a restoration from a conventional impressions and the dentist can quickly make a second one if necessary
The ceramic materials used closely match the composition of natural tooth structure, so the response of the restoration and of your natural tooth to hot or cold foods, for example, will be very similar and sensitivity will be minimised.
Since the restoration is designed and made from start to finish by Rob, he has total control over how it will look and fit, whereas one made in a laboratory is under the control of a technician who often, hasn't even seen the patient.
CEREC - The Worlds Most Advanced Ceramic Reconstruction Technique, available now at Rocky Lane Dental.
Rob discussing the CEREC treatment with a patient.
Call Rob on 0151 342 7574 or e-mail: info@rockylanedental.co.uk to discuss any aspects of treatments described.